Apr 30, 2013

Spring Look

Hey everyone! This is just a quick video I put together showing my outfit I was wearing the other day. I had a really fun time filming and taking photos with my good friend Monica. I hope to be doing more videos like this very soon. Thumbs up if you liked it!

Shirt: ASOS
Skirt: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Vans
Sunglasses: Gliks
Bracelets: Urban Outfitters

Thanks for watching! :)


Apr 13, 2013


Hey everyone! I figured I'd post a collection of the photos I took while I was on my spring break. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take my fancy camera so my iphone had to be my back up. Anyways, I went to Orlando, Florida over break, I went to a variety of places including Disney World and Universal Studios. My favorite thing was most definitely Harry Potter World in Islands of Adventure. It was just as magical as the books and movies. All the rides were fantastic and I was extremely impressed. I even enjoyed the butter beer they sold there.
Another thing I really enjoyed was Disney World. I felt like a child again right when I walked in. Everything was darling, it was awesome being able to watch my 6 year old cousin experience it first hand. I even bought the cutest pair of ears while I was there.

My cousin, Tori and I had to take the traditionally photo with Minnie mouse ears in front of Cinderella's castle.

I had such an amazing time over break. It was much needed and allowed me to take a break from my busy schedule. But alas, I have come back to reality aka Michigan and I have to start my stressful everyday life again. However, I can't wait to start blogging again. 

If you would like to hear more about my vacation, just let me know. I would love to hear about your spring break, whether you went somewhere cool or just stayed at home and slept. Just leave some comments below. Thanks!


Apr 8, 2013

Update: Birthday, Canada, and Spring Break

As some may have noticed I've been lacking on posts recently, I do have some explanation for that. The past few weeks I've been surrounded in nonstop busyiness.

-March 20th I drove out to Quebec, Canada with my cast mates and director of the Bullycide Project. The Bullycide project is an amazing performance presentation that helps create further awareness of bullycide. It is an incredibly project that I'm involved in. If you would like to hear more about it visit  http://thebullycideproject.com/  I would also love to do a blog post about this topic, because I think it is something everyone should be fully aware of. I was only in Canada for two days, most of that was spent in the car because it happened to be a 12 hour drive. 10 of those 12 hours we couldn't use our phones because cell service there is really expensive for us Americans :p.

-March 26th Hola! On the 26th I celebrated my 17th birthday. I feel like an old fart hahaa, nothing against old people at all but I just feel like my years are going so fast. Soon I'll be 21 than 30 than 50! On my birthday I chilled with a few of my close friends and later that night went to dinner with my family. It was actually a really awesome birthday for how simple it was.

-March 29th I left for my spring break in Orlando, Fl. Actually to be more accurate Kissimmee, Fl. Kissimmee is right next door to Orlando and is about a 15 minute drive to all the theme parks. I drove down to Florida with my cousin and grandparents. We spent the first 2 days driving and we stopped twice, once in Georgia and then in some random city in Florida. After the first few days we arrived at destination, Orange Lake. I'm going to be posting a blog post about my whole trip with photos once my trip ends!

Thanks for reading and keeping up with me! Loved to hear about your busy schedules and trips!
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